Holistic modalities offered:
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles or ‘pins’ along the body's energy pathways - known as meridians. This clears energy blockages and encourages the flow of energy (otherwise known as Qi) throughout the body to create balance.
The needling of acupuncture points stimulates the cardiovascular system and the nervous system. By stimulating these systems through acupuncture, we influence the flow of Blood and Oxygen around the body (or in TCM terms Qi).
Acupuncture and TCM work in unison. Often treatments will involve a variety of other therapeutic tools such as moxibustion, cupping, Gua Sha, Tui Na (Chinese Massage) and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Ultimately, the aim of these tools is to address the root cause of dis-ease, relieve signs and symptoms and restore flow to the body.
Acupuncture and TCM can treat a wide range of health concerns such as pain, fertility, women’s health, hormonal balancing, sleep, immunity, general well-being, mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, energy levels, digestive/gut-related disorders, etc.
Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure as to whether Acupuncture and TCM can help you.
Thin needles are placed along the face and into facial muscles to improve the appearance of the skin. The stimulation of acupuncture signals a release of collagen, blood and Qi to rush to the area of the pin, leaving it looking plumper, fresh and bright.
A combination of Gua Sha and silicon slide cups may also be integrated into treatment to promote the flow of Qi and Blood through the face, improve lymphatic drainage and smooth the skin.
Cosmetic treatments also involve treating the skin from within, thus, additional body acupuncture points may be used to help with any internal disharmonies that may be impacting the skin’s appearance.
Cosmetic treatments can help with acne, scarring, wrinkles, fine lines, hyper-pigmentation, improving facial elasticity, brightening complexion, boosting natural collagen and more!
Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure as to whether Cosmetic Acupuncture can help you.
Static and slide cupping techniques can be used in treatments depending on the client's presentation. Some benefits of cupping are listed below:
- Relieves tight muscles and pain
- Moves Qi and Blood
- Relieves stagnation
- Improves circulation
- Promotes relaxation and helps resolve emotional stagnation
- Draws out heat/cold in the body
- Promotes tissue detoxification
- Activates the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces stress
Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure as to whether Cupping can help you.
Reiki is a form of energetic healing that works to balance and promote flow through the body’s energy centres (chakras) to promote well-being.
The body’s chakras process energetic vibrations between the outer world and the physical body and soul. When balanced, energy can flow freely through the chakras, harmonising the mind, body and spirit. When chakras are blocked, imbalances can cause mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ailments.
During Reiki, the practitioner places their hands on or just above specific areas of the receiving person and channels ‘life force energy’ onto their body. When a practitioner is Reiki attuned, the ‘healer’ acts as a conduit for universal healing energy to be drawn from the source and then channelled onto the recipient. As Reiki utilises universal healing energy, the energy delivered is specific to the person receiving it.
Reiki assists in healing mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic blockages by clearing away any negative or stagnant energies. Reiki helps to return the body to a relaxed and balanced state - promoting ease, flow and an enhanced sense of well-being. Reiki can often leave a person feeling calmer, lighter, energised, clear and more connected to self.
Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure as to whether Reiki can help you.
Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle yet powerful modality that was created by Dr Carli Axford. Spinal Flow Technique’s philosophy is derived from the science and anatomy of the spine and nervous system.
Spinal Flow Technique is designed to reconnect the brain and the body by creating flow and connection through the seven gateways of the spine. Spinal Flow Technique uses touch-led healing sessions to bring ease to the body by relieving any spinal blockages. Spinal Flow aims to transform these stresses in a way where they can be integrated into the body.
Spinal blockages are caused by emotional, chemical or physical stressors. Spinal blockages interfere with the nervous system, blood and oxygen flow to particular spinal regions. All of the nerves innovating every part of our body originally stem from the brain (cranium) and the spine. When one has spinal blockages you may experience an array of other bodily symptoms (not just pain in the spine) depending on the location of the blockage in the spine - this is due to the dermatome neural connections.
Spinal Flow Technique utilises gentle touch on ‘access points’ - areas of abundant dura mater (tissue protecting our brain and spinal cord) to tap into the nervous system and promote a wave-like response of ease and flow. This allows the body’s innate healing intelligence to flow through the body, connecting all seven gateways of the spine and promoting well-being throughout the whole body.
Spinal Flow Technique can help clients experiencing symptoms ranging from pain, depression, anxiety, headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and more.
Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure as to whether Spinal Flow Technique can help you.
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